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Wir sind ein fachgeprüfter Bestatter im Handwerk seit 1990 mit einer Tradition in Mühlhausen/Thüringen.

Unsere Bürozeiten: Mo - Fr  09:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr

Tag und Nacht telefonisch für Sie erreichbar: 03601-464748

oder per E-mail

Products Range


All of our animals are on pasture for as much of the year as possible.We supplement their diets...

Quality Matters


We’re determined to keep up the quality of all of our farming products as high as possible.

Free Shipping


We provide free delivery directly to your door within 1 to 2 days of receiving the order.

Customer Satisfaction


We guarantee you frash and high quality products. Become one of our thousands of satisfied...

Have Look at Our Beautiful Farm


SheepLand Farm offers a unique lodging experience on our working farm.


Located on 75 acres in Hartland, Vermont, we are only 16 miles south of Woodstock and Quechee, and close to many Upper Valley tourist destinations.


Enjoy the stunning views from your own private cabin overlooking our growing fields and the beautiful hills in the distance.  We offer farm activities, lawn games, a large fire pit with great sunset views and endless opportunities for relaxation.

Sheep Shearing Demonstration

July to September We shear all our sheep with the hand shears which is the traditional way of sheep shearing.

It is unusual to see hand shearing still in practice as most farmers are using the machine now but I don’t like the machine I think it takes too much wool off and the sheep get cold after.

You are welcome to visit our farm all year round and enjoy our farm activities, lawn games, a large fire pit with great sunset views and endless opportunities for relaxation.



Patrick Sanders


Sheep Veterinary

Our Sheep on Farm

What People Say About Us